
🎉 Launch Party - Meet the "Inferno" Program

Forge is thrilled to announce the launch of the community-funded incentives program for the one and only community-owned DEX on Evmos. We hope to clarify any confusion that may arise from the Inferno Incentives Program, the Forge DEX, and Uniswap v3 concepts, but it's important to note that users should feel comfortable with the core concepts of Uniswap v3 and its features before participating. Please refer to the full disclaimer located at the end of the page.

Forge on Evmos: A Quick Intro

Forge is the only community-owned protocol on Evmos, and is the result of a collaboration between Orbital Apes and the Evmos DAO. The development of Forge -- as well as this incentives program -- has been funded by the Evmos Community, through proposals passed by the Evmos Governance.

As such, Forge is operating as a community-owned decentralized exchange that charges no protocol fees and hopes to be an immensely powerful public good.

Forge stands out as the most capital-efficient capable DEX in the entire Cosmos ecosystem, and can even be argued as one of the top in all of the EVM ecosystem. This is all made possible by utilizing Uniswap v3's already incredible protocol and taking it to the next level through novel ideas that are unique to the Evmos chain. For a more in-depth explanation, check out the quick summary of why we are positioned to become the king of capital efficiency.

Introducing the 'Inferno' Incentives Programs

For the implementation of this program, the Evmos Community has allocated 3,000,000 Evmos to incentivize liquidity provision on the Forge DEX. The Inferno program is set to span 84 days, segmented into four periods of 21 days each. At the end of each 21 days, pool allocations will likely change as we track performance metrics, popularity, and other signals that may help with the overall success of the first season of Inferno.

The program's structure involves three tiers of pool incentives:

  • Tier 1, the highest, will see a daily emission of approximately 9,286 Evmos per pool.
  • Tier 2 pools will have a daily emission of around 2,589 Evmos per pool.
  • Tier 3, will distribute approximately 1,339 Evmos daily per pool.

The first round's tier has been set to the following:

| Tier | Daily Emission per Pool (EVMOS) | Asset Pairs                                        |
| ---- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| 1    | ~9,286                          | stEVMOS/stATOM, stEVMOS/axlUSDC, stEVMOS/axlRETH   |
| 2    | ~2,589                          | stEVMOS/STRD, stATOM/ATOM                          |
| 3    | ~1,339                          | axlUSDC/ceUSDT, axlRETH/axlWETH

The Stride Community has also decided to assist with the program by offering their own incentives in the form of the native STRD tokens.

The Four Pillars of the Inferno Experience

We've already warned you - if you can't handle some heat, this program may not be for you. There will be superstars, there will be average joes, and there could even be losers.

No two persons will have the same earnings, anyone can leverage his or her unique strategy, and those striving to really get the absolute most out of the program will have their DeFi and markets knowledge, wit and creativeness, and -- dare I say -- even skills tested.

The Four Pillars that will dictate your earnings and Level of Success (ordered by decreasing factor)

  1. You - this is not some attempt to slip in a motivational speech; you are the decider in the overall performance and earnings from the program. Every decision that you make will ultimately impact your performance. It comes down to each individual's risk tolerance, experience in markets, level of patience, luck, and countless other factors both large and small.

  2. The Incentivized Pools the second biggest factor will likely be the pool or pool(s) you decide to begin providing liquidity. The problem with previous incentivized pools that have launched on Evmos is obvious: people will naturally move their liquidity to the pool with the highest APR. Also known as "pool hoppers" or mercenary liquidity, they bring little to no benefit to the Evmos network. For the first round, we have set the vesting date to 3 days to test the waters and allow you to get familiarized with Forge and Revert Finance. This means that for you to get your full 100% of allocated rewards, your liquidity must remain active and staked in the pool for 3 days. More on this in the next section.

  3. LP Fees, Position Sizes, Ranged Limits Orders - pretty much all the bells and whistles that make Uniswap v3 the most interesting and powerful AMM to date. These are the tools and features available on Forge that will allow you to be smarter with your assets and more creative with your strategies. Will the crypto gods show mercy on your position, or will your earnings be slashed by the angry forces of IL?

  4. Liquid Staked Assets - the design of Forge is truly unique in that it is designed to allow better use of your capital. You no longer have to decide between staking for the network and participating in the network. Forge is the first V3 protocol to leverage our liquid-staked version of our native asset as the base currency. Your tokens are staking and accruing value constantly as long as you have the LSD (liquid-staked derivative) version. But... how can staked tokens also provide liquidity and receive program rewards all at the same time?! That's the beauty of it, and to put it frankly it blew our minds too while we were in the ideation stages of Forge 🤯

Staking Rewards and Analytics from Revert Finance

Who and what is Revert Finance?

We’ll keep it nice and short because words can not do full justice in describing their tools. Here are the basic things about their platform that you should know, however:

  1. They provide incredibly useful data and analytics on your LP positions.
  2. They provide backtesting tools so that you can test out your strategies on historical data instead of blindly ape-ing in.
  3. They have awesome automation tools like one-sided liquidity providing through zap-like contracts, autocompounding, and even re-setting your ranges when your positions slips into the inactive zone.
  4. And of course, last but not least, their Time-Vested v3 staking contracts will be at the center of the Inferno Program Rewards.

Uniswap v3 initially faced a lot of challenges with attracting staking farms for various reasons which you can read more about here (opens in a new tab). The most important thing to know about the rewards: the contract adds a linear vesting period for positions to receive the full amounts of the accrued rewards.

The longer you stay in a pool, the more you’ll be able to claim from that pool. A total party kill for pool hoppers, but a much more logical way to build liquidity for the long term.

For more information on the staking mechanism, check out the blog post (opens in a new tab) that was published on Medium!

Before using Forge, please note that we are not offering financial advice. This is the only warning we will issue to all program participants and future Forge users: Uniswap v3 is a powerful protocol, but it also carries significant risks. Active liquidity management is necessary for many pools; you must determine your risk tolerance and develop strategies accordingly. The Inferno program is not like the "set and forget" liquidity programs you may be familiar with. Lastly, always conduct your own research and due diligence before staking and entering any positions.