Important Concepts
Non-Fungible Positions

Liquidity Positions as NFTs


Uniswap v3 introduces the concept of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to represent liquidity positions.

How does Uniswap V3 Use NFTs to Represent Liquidity Positions?

Uniswap V3 uses non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to represent liquidity positions. Each liquidity position is represented by a unique NFT, which can be traded on various marketplaces. The NFT contains all the relevant information about the liquidity position, including the pool address, the amount of liquidity provided, and the fee tier.

The NFT is minted when a user adds liquidity to a pool. The user can then trade the NFT on various marketplaces or use it to withdraw their liquidity from the pool. The NFT is burned when the liquidity is withdrawn from the pool.

Benefits of Uniswap V3's NFT Mechanism

The NFT mechanism provides several benefits to users of Uniswap V3:

  1. Improved Liquidity Position Management: The NFT provides a convenient way to manage liquidity positions and track their performance over time.

  2. Increased Liquidity Provision: The ability to trade NFTs representing liquidity positions on various marketplaces incentivizes users to provide more liquidity to Uniswap pools.

  3. Increased Liquidity Pool Efficiency: The NFT mechanism enables more efficient use of liquidity pools, as users can easily trade their liquidity positions on various marketplaces.

  4. Increased Flexibility: The NFT mechanism provides users with greater flexibility in managing their liquidity positions, as they can easily trade or withdraw their positions as needed.

Fee Distribution and NFTs

Unlike previous versions, Uniswap v3 position holders now have all the fees generated by their positions held directly within the associated NFT. This replaces the fungible LP tokens used in earlier versions. NFTs can be traded between wallets, and position holders can collect the accumulated fees at any time.

Uniswap v3 NFT Artwork

Uniswap v3 NFT artwork contains various informative elements:

  • Token pair and fee tier: The NFT displays the token pair represented by the position, along with the selected fee tier.
  • Bonding curve: The bonding curve on the NFT represents the "steepness" of the position. The curve's shape is determined by the price ranges set by the liquidity provider, as well as the liquidity concentration and initial token ratio.
  • Unique ID and price ranges: The NFT includes the position's unique ID and the minimum and maximum price ranges defined by the liquidity provider.
  • Curve icon: A small curve icon in the lower right-hand corner of the NFT indicates the liquidity provider's position in the curve and their activity in the pool.
  • Optional aesthetic attributes: Some NFTs may feature a small sparkle hovering over the curve icon, which is a purely aesthetic attribute that becomes rarer as more Uniswap v3 positions are opened.
  • Color scheme: Each Uniswap v3 position has a unique color scheme based on the two tokens held in the position. Different pools are represented by distinct color variations.

Position Management

To remove liquidity from a Uniswap v3 position, the holder must possess the corresponding Uniswap v3 NFT in their wallet. Burning the NFT along with the position allows the tokens held within to be deposited into the holder's wallet, along with the fees generated during the position's duration.

Impermanent Loss

In the event that the price of the tokens shifts outside the price range set when opening the position, the holder may experience Impermanent Loss. When cashing out, the position is returned in only one of the paired tokens, reflecting the deviation from the original price range.