Community Owned DEX

Forge Governance

Current Governance Framework

At Forge, we believe in transparency, decentralization, and active community participation. Currently, all governance activities for Forge are conducted on-chain on the Evmos mainnet via the Cosmos SDK. This on-chain governance system promotes transparency and fairness by allowing all network participants to propose, discuss, and vote on various proposals that shape the network's future.

However, as Forge grows, we anticipate that the need for more flexibility and speed in decision-making will become increasingly apparent. As the network evolves, it's plausible that we may see adaptations and modifications to our governance model to suit the ever-changing landscape and to continue to meet the needs of our dynamic community.

For more information on the Evmos Community Proposal framework, you can find much more detailed information on the Evmos DAO site. (opens in a new tab)

Near Term Focus

While our immediate focus is on launching and refining features, bootstrapping the protocol with new initiatives, and enhancing overall user experience, we're fully aware of the critical need for diverse avenues for community engagement in decision-making. Recognizing this, we aim to create more opportunities for community members to influence and shape Forge's direction and development in the future.

In terms of security, our multisig wallets have been meticulously designed to minimize risk. These wallets require multiple signatories for transactions, adding an extra layer of security to funds stored within them. Moreover, in the interest of transparency, all transactions made through these wallets are publicly viewable on our Gnosis Safe or the Evmos block explorer.

Our Pledge for More Democratization

The governance framework at Forge will be built with our community in mind. We're constantly evaluating and adjusting our methods to ensure that we offer an inclusive, transparent, and secure environment for our users.

We believe that the key to our continued growth and success lies in our commitment to open governance, and we're excited to involve our community more in shaping the future of Forge.